3585: Guest Registration Not Found

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We did NOT find a registration with the information you provided.
Possible reasons:

  • You are not registered (check again – or proceed to registration)
  • You are registered – but the name you entered didn’t match exactly (try again)
  • The birthdate you provided doesn’t match  (try again)
  • There was an error or issue in the lookup action (try again)

We recommend that you retry with a different name spelling or
perhaps a different birthdate
(we have seen Guests registered by other individuals
that may only know them by familiar nicknames). 

Duplicate registrations reduce the ability of other Guests having an opportunity to attend because our event fills to capacity each year.
Click HERE to try again or
click the button below to complete a registration form:

If you’ve reached this page (especially if more than once!),
then something went wrong … somewhere.

Please contact our helpline at (980) 285-1494,
call our church office (704) 868-2914,
or emails us at nts@southminsterchurch.com
we’ll be happy to help.